College and Career Readiness

In the state of Arizona, students are considered college and career ready when they have the knowledge, skills, academic preparation, and behaviors needed to enroll and succeed in introductory college credit-bearing courses within an associate or baccalaureate degree program without the need for remediation. These same attributes are needed for entry and success in postsecondary workforce education or directly into a job that offers gainful employment and career advancement. The workforce of tomorrow must be flexible, motivated, and able to draw from a deep and vast skill set. The ability to effectively communicate, collaborate, and adapt to situations will be critical to ensuring competition in a global market.

Horizon Honors is committed to building student capacity beyond academics as we prepare each student to be positioned to be Internationally competitive for the next step. The College and Career Readiness class includes goal setting, study skill development, time management, and project/homework completion. The curriculum has students engaging in character development activities and creating an Education and Career Action Plan (ECAP) as they engage in the Arizona College Career Information System (AZCIS) and other college, career, and life activities appropriate to their grade level.


High School Credit Requirements


Advanced Placement classes (AP) may count be taken to prepare to take the national examinations and may count as college credit. Students pay the fee for the test and may submit the score for credit based on the college’s admission standards.

Horizon Honors also offers dual enrollment and concurrent enrollment through local higher education institutions such as community colleges and universities. Students earn college and high school credits for these classes. These classes may require the payment of tuition to the institution.

For more information, visit our College & Career Center Website.


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